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Measuring at almost 3 inches, this Sterling Silver pendant has quite a few rare and unusual gemstones. The large top cabochon is Tourmalinated Quartz, with an Iolite, Amethyst and Super 7 beads surrounding it. A faceted Garnet compliments the piece. There is a large Apex Amethyst at the bottom, a recent discovery in Brazil.


Tourmalinated Quartz brings clarity and protection. Iolite, also called the Viking Stone stimulates memory and purifies. Amethyst is a serene stone that blocks stress and negativity as well as detoxifies the body.  Super 7 is a stone of high vibration and allows one to embrace personal and planetary growth. Garnet grounds dreams and desires into the physical body. Apex Amethyst alleviates grief and dispels negativity and also detoxifies the body as well. 

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